Saturday, April 28, 2012

It's Almost Over. That is good and bad.

So just one week left of AP Art and I feel less stressed and more stressed at the same time somehow. I did art for about 5 hours straight this morning and I'm about to go do some more of that now. All but about 5 or so pieces are totally done, and the last ones only have a bit more left to be called 'finished' in my book. I have been looking at the AP college board site thing a little and I think I understand pretty well what all has to be done so I think I can knock that out by this friday. I loved this year of AP Art, but I'm not going to lie, I will not be sad it's over.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Well, not really progress I suppose, but what I'm doing this week. I plan on hopefully finishing my two acrylic pieces, the suitcase and the portrait. Also, my friend will hopefully have a day off while I'm out so I can do that photo shoot I've been waiting for. But anyway, before Tuesday I'll make a list of all the paint colors I need and get that from you when I go to the high school and maybe snag a few brushes as well.