Friday, September 9, 2011

Ew, Art Administration.

One job that I would absolutely hate to have would be in Art Administration. Arts administration is the business end of art organizations. They plan things, deal with the money, and all the fine details. Education for arts administration is based upon degrees in business administration with special courses in administering non-profit organizations. You could do more than just non-profit art organizations with this degree; performance theater, gallery, dance company, art center, art festival administration/management. Your start up expenses would depend on whether you are starting your own business or if you are being hired, obviously you would have more start up expenses making you own business. You wouldn't really need a portfolio for this job because it's mostly business dealings, but you would need a resumé with good credentials. I wouldn't really like this job because it seems just down right boring. These people spend all their time behind the scenes of numerous galleries or exhibitions or performances and get none of the true credit for. Also, I don't think I would have the organization to actually plan things, I'm having a hard enough time in AP Art.


  1. You are doing fine in AP art. And I think you'd be good at administration. Just sayin'

  2. Nice girl :) very well researched and articulate. I agree with Stamp you are very organized and task oriented but you seem to enjoy just doing and being apart of the art community and not having to worry about the fine organizational details. Awesome!
