Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Otto Dix

Otto Dix was a young German artist who began his career doing simple self portraits and landscapes.
"Self Portrait with Carnation"1912

"Sunrise" 1912

But once Dix joined the German Army and took part in WWI and WWII everything about his art changed. Everything he painted or sketched became more and more gruesome. He tried to represent his feelings about war in his artwork. He depicted the hellish combat he witnessed in numerous paintings and etchings. Some showed what he thought of society and the disgust he felt for the German populace and others were religious allegories. He did do some commission portraits but everything else showed mentality on humanity. 

                 "Prager Straße"1920                                       "Skat Players" 1920

1 comment:

  1. I like that his art tells a story! I really enjoy the time period these were done in and to see how that effected art is really cool.
