Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's all over.

I feel like I've missed a blog somewhere so I'll do one now for good measure. Th end of AP Art was very stress relieving and after that was over came AP Calculus, then AP Lit, then AP Bio, and now the end of school. Though I didn't think it would ever happen. It was really hard to choose my final five 'Quality' pieces, but I ended up with the three I used for evening of the arts, the hands with flowers in them, and Joan of Arc.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

It's Almost Over. That is good and bad.

So just one week left of AP Art and I feel less stressed and more stressed at the same time somehow. I did art for about 5 hours straight this morning and I'm about to go do some more of that now. All but about 5 or so pieces are totally done, and the last ones only have a bit more left to be called 'finished' in my book. I have been looking at the AP college board site thing a little and I think I understand pretty well what all has to be done so I think I can knock that out by this friday. I loved this year of AP Art, but I'm not going to lie, I will not be sad it's over.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Well, not really progress I suppose, but what I'm doing this week. I plan on hopefully finishing my two acrylic pieces, the suitcase and the portrait. Also, my friend will hopefully have a day off while I'm out so I can do that photo shoot I've been waiting for. But anyway, before Tuesday I'll make a list of all the paint colors I need and get that from you when I go to the high school and maybe snag a few brushes as well.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I didn't get any pictures of what I'm working on this week, but I hope this will work. Plus, this will help you see that I don't just derp around in class.
So, I'm finishing that acrylic self portrait, though I don't really like it much. I'm just thinking that it'll work for breadth. I'll finish that this week hopefully and then bring some paint home next week to finish the back of my drawing and painting suitcase, which may or may not end up in breadth depending on how it turns out. I'm really feeling doing another charcoal because I haven't done one in forever, but I probably shouldn't. With the two acrylics down, it leaves two more pieces and I still want to that photograph that I told you about. So just one left, I have a piece started, but I'm not really feeling it yet. I like the idea, but not what I've done so far. Not real sure where to go from the point at which I am. We'll see. One month and a half to go!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Artspan (week of 03/17/12)

I've recently been looking for new things to do during my classes since everything has been blocked and I found an interesting website, Artspan. It's a website where contemporary artists can post their works, whether it's painting, drawing, metal, whatever it may. I think it's a really great site to show what artists are doing now and it's also helpful in finding inspiration for my own work. Another good thing about Artspan is that you can find really great artists to contribute to and buy prints of their work or the pieces themselves.  I think it's really necessary to be able to get your name out as an artist or else you're just giving into the the stereotype of 'starving artist'.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another Picture Blog

I have a whole folder just full of photos and articles and videos that I find on the internet that I think pertain even a little bit to innocence. Or that make me think about new ideas, because in nearing the end of the year, I'm also nearing the end of my idea bank. Also losing everything in mac book flood I had a few weeks ago didn't help anything at all. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

This is a picture blog.

Here are just a few things that I've found lately that are inspiring me for my art.

I'm going to work on, like you said, making my art less snap-shot-ish and more full and unending. I have a few ideas, but in killing my laptop I lost all the ones from previous nine weeks. Go me. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I've been awake since five, don't judge my grammar.

So, I had my interview with the Transylvania Art Department today we talked a lot about my work this year. I actually feel really reassured that I am headed in the right direction with my portfolio and concentration. They said that I have a really firm hold on my ideas, which is awesome to hear from someone so far outside of my own artwork world. I think I will finish that suitcase, but acrylic terrifies me so much. I have realized though that I need more painting other than some water colors.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

In continuation of last weeks blog, I still suck. I'm still trying to think of more ideas and crank out more pieces, it's just that whole senioritis thing.
I do have one idea though that I've been thinking about for a bit. It centers around the idea that, as a society, we push what we think children should be/grow up to be onto them from the very beginning. From the day they're born til the day they fall into our laid plans. The only problem is, I don't know if that fits my concentration. And that seems to be my main reason for not doing some pieces, I start to worry that people won't get it. The AP scorers or who ever gives us a grade on the 'test' or even a judge at a competition. I don't know, after a while I start to think that maybe the only reason I understand my work is because it's my work.

PS: My Mac is bipolar so I had to write this on my phone. Sorry if there is a huge amount of spelling errors. We all know how hit and miss iPhone autocorrect is.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


My ideas are dumb. All of them. I just can't art anymore it seems. I know what I want to say, but I can't find the image in my brain. Or I have the image, but my hands don't compute. I think my next projects will be in graphite because after doing that watercolor piece, I realized I freaking hate painting. It's not even that I'm not good at it, that doesn't really bother me, it's just that I don't want to fit my ideas to a medium just so I can have my breadth. I don't want to comprise what I feel needs to happen to my pieces so I can get a bit of college credit.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ideas, schmideas

At the moment, I'm trying to think of ideas for the fourth nine weeks, or possibly to replace some from this section. I'm not really doing that well. I do sometimes come up with interesting plans, but that's usually at midnight when I can't sleep, but I'm too lazy to write them down, so they never truly come to fruition. I do know that I want to do some self portraits though. I know they need to be in color, possibly muted or bright depending on what statement I'm trying to make, but I was thinking I might use crayon. I'm no t really sure if that would work. I plan on playing around with it at some point in the next few weeks, but we'll see.
Also, I've been watching a lot of the Oprah channel, because I can't find the remote, and there was a show about children with schizophrenia and it really got me thinking about how little we deal with problems like that as a society. When we think of diseases like that, it's usually over dramatized and they're all crazy chanting nonsense, but that's really not it. We also don't think about children having these problems because we have the naive mentality that all children are happy and perfect beings of rainbows and butterflies. I'm not really sure how that will be incorporated into a project, but yeah. That's what I've been thinking about.

Friday, January 13, 2012

100% Concentrate is good in this situation.

Coming into the third nine weeks of AP Art hasn't started off extremely well. I feel as if my river of muddy ideas has suddenly been damed. I still think that I've stuck to my idea of innocence pretty well, but I'm not sure how the rest of the year will flow in relation to the beginning. I've been trying a lot of different things in order to get ideas or feelings, but some of those methods have also dried up just as my idea river has. Some things that have really helped me are surprisingly the two things that hurt me the most in other classes; TV, and the interwebs. I find that watching Disney and Nickelodeon helps me see what children now are like, what they're 'innocence' is. I watch those silly shows that make me chuckle and I wonder if that is really what nine year olds are going through. Do they really wonder if so-and-so thinks they're pretty enough? Skinny enough? Dumb enough? And I have all these ideas flowing from this, but nothing seems to be making it onto the paper in the form of written, detailed, projects. The second thing that has been a great help to me is the internet, especially sites like Pinterest and Tumblr. On the internet, I can get a real feel of what other people of my generation think of the concept of innocence. My proposal of the fictional, barbie doll, body-type and how that mentality is ruing the minds of our young women actually came from photos I found on Pinterest. I'm just hoping that I can keep up my work ethic and not get distracted by the thrills of the interewebs.